Sunday, March 8, 2020

Never Fear ... Kahoot! is Here

Never Fear … Kahoot! Is Here

Hear ye! Hear ye! You will never be alone again. 

We’ve all had that moment when there is 15 minutes left in library time or in class and the kids are all asking “What are we doing now Mrs. Gibson?” Never fear…Kahoot! is here. 

So many of us have seen this tool, used this tool, or played this tool.  But while you have been away struggling to reinforce standards in creative ways, they have been adding to their database.  There are over 307,063 pre-made game choices when searching just “Library”.  Under “Library Skills” there are 11,766 game choices.  You can even review the questions ahead of time and level the skill by grade levels 1 – 12.  But you can also create your own game, as my former librarian who taught AP Computer Science did just last year to prepare her students for the AP exam.  This game can be played for any subject in K-12 schools and even prepare students for some standardized testing. 

And guess what?   KIDS LOVE THIS GAME!!!  They love to compete against each other, love to get the questions right, and don’t forget to have some prizes ready at all times.  This can be done in team or as individual player mode.  We are a one-to-one device school district, so all students have their devices when they come for classes in the library so options are flexible. 

Here is a quick video to introduce or help you remember Kahoot!

To get things started all you do is sign up for the free website at

1.  Choose whether you would like to “create” or “play an existing game” by going to the Discover tab on the Kahoot! banner. 
There are endless choices for student engagement.  As the Future Ready Librarian framework recommends we use “digital resources and tools” with our students.  Then also with the recommendation of “empowering students as creators”, you could have students help create the quizzes by each making up a test question for the class to use in a Kahoot! session. 

2.  Choose the quiz to be given and students are directed on their devices to log in to the quiz.

 3.  Show the game on a large screen that all students can see.  They will only have the answer choices on their device.  The teacher or student helper will be manually moving the questions after answers are tallied and results shown for each student or team. 

4.  The final results of the session are shown on the main screen and it’s as if the Olympics have come to town.  I recommend letting the students come up front for their accolades.
Side note:  The images you are seeing is the demo game that I myself played as “Sam” (in honor of Dr. Seuss week).  I played the general knowledge demo and truly missed every question.  Don’t judge me.  However, like any typical student I was ready to take on that demo and win the next round.  (Sadly, it would not let me.) 

In an article by Sherlock Licorish et al, their research showed that the use of educational games as learning tools helped to support the development of cognitive, motivational, emotional and the social outlook of students.  You can read the article below in the resource section of this blog.

Please enjoy the resources below that include articles and videos to help you understand Kahoot! a little better.  Happy games to you all!


Kahoot! Around the World video:

Future Ready Librarians infographics:

Future Ready Librarians webpage for extra information.

Article by Sherlock Licorish et al. Students’ Perception of Kahoot!’s Influence on Teaching and Learning (2018):

5 Minute Guide to Kahoot! video:

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the resources and the reminder of how Kahoot can be a powerful educational tool. I have used Kahoot before in my ELA class, and the students certainly do enjoy it. Overall, I am very interested in the gamification of classroom learning. I think games are a powerful teaching tool, and using online games like Kahoot is both engaging and enriching. The article you shared is an excellent resource for further investigation into how games can impact educational experiences. I always thought games like Kahoot were beneficial, but I have never really seen a great deal of science behind it. Recently, I have been using Quizizz more than Kahoot because I like how students can answer questions at their own pace. However, I need to look back at Kahoot as I know sites like these are always adding new features and resources to keep things fresh. Thanks again for sharing!

    - Katelyn Smith
